Important dates for your arrival in EAFIT

In this section you will find important dates for your arrival in EAFIT. Please keep in mind the maximum dates to deliver the documentation to the university in order to speed up the process and to be agile. Remember  that you can contact us in the internationalization office in the fifth floor of the 18th block o via email you can communicate with


Reception of solicitude:
In this stage the student shows interest to the
university for the international exchange

01/09/23 - 10/10/23

Online inscription:
Browse the section below where you can find the steps
for your enrollment in EAFIT

15/09/23 - 15/10/23

Delivery of acceptation letters
After three months of feedback between
the university and the applicant, you will receive
the acceptation letter

20/10/23 - 31/10/23

Subject registration:
The students will pick the different subjects for their
semester abroad

06/01/24 - 08/01/24

Timetable picking:
According to the subjects that were registered
the student will pick the schedule

12/01/24 - 16/01/24

First day of classes:
The university will provide a tour
for all the international students


The classes will last sixteen weeks

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If  you want to continue with the navigation through the website and learn about the steps to reach an international exchange with EAFITclick Documentation in the bar below to keep learning. Remember to contact us in case of any doubt.

Get to know the steps to reach your international exchange

Important dates for your arrival in EAFIT

Contact Us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.

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