Reception of solicitude:
In this stage the student shows interest to the university for the international exchange
| 01/09/23 - 10/10/23 |
Online inscription:
Browse the section below where you can find the steps for your enrollment in EAFIT
| 15/09/23 - 15/10/23 |
Delivery of acceptation letters
After three months of feedback between the university and the applicant, you will receive the acceptation letter
| 20/10/23 - 31/10/23 |
Subject registration:
The students will pick the different subjects for their semester abroad
| 06/01/24 - 08/01/24 |
Timetable picking:
According to the subjects that were registered the student will pick the schedule
| 12/01/24 - 16/01/24 |
First day of classes:
The university will provide a tour for all the international students
| 17/01/24 |
The classes will last sixteen weeks
| 21/01/24 |